MeetDistrict The Link Berchem

2600 Berchem
1 tot 70 persons
32 halls

Welcome at MeetDistrict!

If you are looking for a healthy and flexible work environment, you can rely on MeetDistrict as the ideal full service office, event and meeting space provider.

At no less than four locations in Berchem, Brussels, Diegem and Ghent we invite our customers to enjoy a stylish, inspiring and smart work environment where they can make use of our impeccable services. All of this backed by our MeetDistrict application that grants access to the parking lot, the coffee machine and all meeting facilities.

Work as you are

Working in MeetDistrict Berchem? You can do that in one of our PrivateOffices for up to +30 work spaces, or at your own desk in our SharedOffice. No fixed seat needed? You can easily book a FlexSeat in our LoudDistrict or SilentDistrict, or enjoy our SocialSpace in which you’ll find a work spot with lots of buzz. Where you work and what your day looks like, is up to you. We take care of providing plenty of variation and a fitting service.

Need some privacy? Make use of one of our PhoneBooths or book a MeetBox. These meeting rooms can be upgraded with several extra facilities on top of the basic amenities like presentation screens and stationary, so you can create an optimal framework for your meeting.

Bigger plans? Then turn to our BoardRoom, EducationRoom and PitchArena, which can accommodate up to 35 people. Even bigger plans? Then we are happy to discuss the options of our MarketPlace.

Team MeetDistrict

Happy to help, that is our motto! And not just for our colleagues at the FrontDesk, but for our BackOffice colleagues too. We work amongst our customers, so we are always available to answer questions or receive feedback and suggestions. At MeetDistrict, the term of serviced workspace is taken seriously; before and behind the scenes.

Smart & healthy work spaces

An ideal work environment looks nice, scores high in efficiency, health and sustainability and unburdens its users. Our modern, atmospheric interior bathes in sunlight and we keep a close eye on the CO² values, as is the case for our material choices and the internet velocity. On top of that we guarantee an optimal usage of our work and meeting facilities thanks to the integration of the MeetDistrict application with which customers/Members can independently move around all of our locations.

MeetDistrict is located next to the Antwerp ring road, the Singel and the bicycle highway, only a ten minute walk away from Berchem Station and even closer to a Velo station and multiple bus stops. In need of a complete disconnection? You’ll find yourself in the green Brilschanspark in just 5 minutes walking.

If you’re hungry you can turn to our basic kitchen facilities, but also enjoy an inhouse Foodmaker or one of the lunch options in the neighbourhood. And of course there is always Team MeetDistrict who can arrange something for you. Ask away, we are happy to help!

  • Conference
  • Event
  • Meeting Room
Location type
  • Boat
  • Air conditioning
  • Car charging point
  • Catering Service
  • Private Parking
  • Green
  • Near motorway
  • Ringroad
  • Trainstation

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